
In a pattern usually seen within urban areas within the Southern United States, Greensboro tends to have crime levels considerably higher than the national average. The same pattern usually dictates segregated/pocketed crime which is the trend in Greensboro as well, where a very high percentage of crime takes place in minority populated/low income neighborhoods. For the year of 2006, the city experienced 6,931 overall crimes committed per 100,000 residents; the national average was 4479.3 per 100,000 residents.[35] For that year Greensboro ranked above the national average on every category of violent crime as well as all forms of property crime.[36] For the year of 2008, Greensboro ranked above the national average for all forms of violent crime and property crime. The city also ranked higher on crimes than the North Carolina state averages.[37] There was a total of 15,901 crimes committed for the year of 2008, this is a decrease when compared to the previous year of 2007, that year Greensboro experienced 16,676 total crimes citywide.[38] According to the Congressional Quarterly Press City Crime Rankings 2009-2010, Greensboro holds the 75th highest crime rate out of 393 ranked US cities.

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