Airport area

In 1998, FedEx chose to build and operate a $300 million mid-Atlantic air-cargo and sorting hub at Piedmont Triad International Airport, following an intensive competition for the hub among other regions of the state, as well as locations in South Carolina. After the hub announcement, the project faced court battles concerning potential noise and pollution abatements from neighborhoods located near the planned hub site. Nonetheless, the hub opened in 2009 is building on the city's effort to strengthen its position as a transportation, distribution and logistics hub in the Southeast and middle Atlantic regions.

In February 2007, Honda Aircraft Company announced it will develop a multi-million dollar jet airplane facility and world headquarters at Piedmont Triad International Airport. The company will build the new HondaJet at the site, and the first planes were planned to roll off the assembly line in 2010. In 2001, the test flight for the jet took place at the airport.

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